Uhuh.. thats what I mean.. hockey.. the best sport ever.. I mean look at the puck.. look how graceful they are on the ice.. how they make the game look so easy.. Yeah.. easy.. easy on my eyes... LOL. Ok.. Dawn, get serious!!! *laughin* Can you blame me? I mean seriously!!! We had glass seats at the Joe in Detroit. I love hockey.. I have no idea what the calls are.. the rules.. but I tell ya what.. when you are sitting 3 feet from this glass wall and the guys smack against so hard it knocks beers over.. you are PART of this action baby.. Oh yeah!!!! So, yeah.. we went to see the Red Wings tear the crap out of Nashville. It was sweeet. They won 5 to 2. Detroit is 3 hours (well the way i drive 200 miles.. yes.. 3 hours hahaha).. and a weekend was made out of it.. shopping.. eating (PF Changs.. yummm o!) and hockey.. then up to shop again.. and slowly work our way back home.. to little ole Ludington. Ok, now.. for some serious pics of the game..
Oh and by the way.. Archivers says hi to all! I had to get some scrapbook retail therapy in there too. I also hunted down Scrapbook Zone. They have moved about 3 miles from their original location. They are so friendly! I also stalked Soma, Chicos, Eddie Bauer, Talbots, and Coldwater Creek.. some of my FAVORITE stores.. and the fashions this spring are cute!!! I love the spring colors.. its about time.. especially when you live in Michigan and see snow from November to April. UGH! Happy Weekend All.. here are some more pics of the game....
Ok.. Guess who? At the bottom of the steps.. glass seats to the best place on earth! Pound on that glass girl.. show those players who loves them!
Never do this DURING the game.. you WILL wear it.. I moved my hot cocoa just in time but the donut holes went flying when they smacked into the glass right in front of me.. awesome!
The look of concentration!
So.. rough n tough! TeeHee!
Hiya !!! I saw you waving !! lol
Nice puck ... very nice puck!!
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